- -2.00 JOD

Qty | Product Name |
1 | Arduino UNO R3 ATmega328p-ATmega16u2 |
1 | USB Cable |
1 | 40P 10cm M-M Wires |
1 | 10P 20cm F-M Wires |
1 | Breadboard 830 |
1 | LED Display Module with Serial Interface (TM1637 Chip) |
1 | 9V Battery |
1 | Box |
1 | RGB LED |
1 | DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module |
1 | IR Receiver |
1 | Thermistor NTC Module |
1 | 9V Battery Jack |
1 | IR Remote |
1 | Green 16x2 LCD- 5V Backlight With Pin Header |
1 | 10K Potentiometer |
1 | 4 Blade Toy Fan 39mm |
1 | DC Motor |
1 | 5V Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Stepper Driver |
1 | Mini L293D Motor Driver Module |
1 | PIR HC-SR501 Motion Sensor |
1 | Joystick Module |
1 | HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor |
1 | 5V Relay Module |
1 | SG90 Micro Servo Motor |
5 | Diode |
2 | LDR |
4 | BJT Transistor |
5 | Push Button |
1 | Active Buzzer |
1 | 1 digit 7-segment Display |
1 | NE555 Timer |
10 | 5 mm Red LEDs |
10 | 5 mm Yellow LEDs |
10 | 5 mm Green LEDs |
10 | Resistor 150 kΩ |
10 | Resistor 10 kΩ |
10 | Resistor 1 kΩ |
10 | Resistor 300 Ω |
10 | Resistor 180 Ω |
10 | Resistor 120 Ω |